Emotional Tool Kit
Self Guided Course

I am a Transformative Healer who combines Energy Healing with mind set coaching and over 25 years of nursing experience to assist you to heal, keep healing yourself and move forward in your life.

I know that you want to feel free in your mind, body and spirit and to be able to break down old patterns and beliefs that weren’t even yours in the first place.

I know all of this, because this was me. This was me and when I left my abusive relationship…I had absolutely no idea that I had brought those behaviours, patterns and processes with me. I kept behaving like I was still there, frightened and anxious and not able to be my true self.

I feel it is much better to teach a person a toolkit for processing their emotions and behaviours rather than telling them just what to do to stop being angry, for example. KNOWLEDGE is POWER.


Tool Kit

Self Guided


Are you out of an abusive relationship and unable to think clearly? Are you still behaving like you are in an abusive relationship by repeating those past patterns and don’t know who you are anymore? Do you have a lot of negative self talk?

You want to think clearly, feel free not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. You want the strength of being determined to create a new life outside of that pain and suffering. The thing is, you are not sure how to get started or if it is going to be too overwhelming amongst everything else in your life.

My aim is to help you, with what I have learnt, to gain clarity on who you are and how to break down thoughts/patterns and triggers when they come up (as believe me, they will come up and when you least expect it too!).

Please note, that I am not a doctor or psychologist, and my course does not in any way replace any medical professional intervention or therapy. Please seek medical advice as needed.

This course is divided into 4 week segments, but you can do the course more quickly if you wish. The course is structured this way to allow for some deep diving into your thoughts and by taking more time than say, for example, one day, this helps to prevent possible overwhelm.

Each week requires you to look at certain thoughts, asks you questions and gives you tasks to do. All of this is for you to help yourself move forward and to learn some valuable lifelong tools that you will be able to apply as you need, to sort out issues, triggers and to find clarity for yourself.

Please consider purchasing a journal to document your answers and to track your progress.

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