Welcome to the Sparks of Life Healing Podcast & Video Page.

Join mindfulness enthusiasts Caroline and Ana and explore ways to weave mindfulness seamlessly into your daily routine.

Hi I’m Ana,

I have always been curious about what it means to lead a good life and know that mindfulness is vital to staying grounded and authentic to one’s heart.

Unfortunately, I found it very hard to be consistent. The busier I got and the more I needed it, the less mindful I became.

Whilst I love going to a retreat and immersing myself in inner work, I needed something that would help my day-to-day and allow me to reflect on what is important without retreating from the world. And so, Your Mindful Year was born out of my selfish need.



Hi I’m Caroline,

A transformative healer who has been through my own dark night of the soul with an abusive and toxic relationship, and I know what the pain of that is. I have brought my skill set of energy healing, Reiki, and balancing subtle anatomy together with mindset coaching, to provide people with the support so they can work through their own experiences with ease and understanding. I help teach people what they need to know to enable them to take an active part in their healing process. I help you understand your patterns, so they can be dismantled and released, without focussing on the past. I feel that teaching you these tools, goes a long way towards you taking charge of yourself with integrity and honesty, which in turn empowers you to be more present in your own life.

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 1 - Carmen

Join us while we chat with Carmen from Lulanimoon about her journey into mindfulness.

Carmen Nemet is a natural incense crafter, earth-based reiki practitioner, ceremonial beauty, therapist, and practising animist who weaves her love of plants throughout her offerings. Carmen aims to support others to deepen their connection to the wild of nature through smoke medicine, spirit work and eco-activism. You can find out more about her here https://www.lulanimoon.com/

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 2 - Caroline & Ana

In this episode, Caroline and I discuss how we became interested in mindfulness.

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 3 - Holly Wynn

Today we talk with Holly Wynn. Holly is a board-certified empowerment coach through the Association of Integrative Psychology and the author of Limitless You. She holds degrees in traditional Psychology, and Certifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming,Emotional Regulation Coaching, Trauma Informed Care, Law of Attraction Coaching, plus many others. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Focused Healer, Theta Healer, and Empowered Energetics Practitioner and Trainer. You can find Holly at⁠ iamhollywynn.com⁠.

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 4 - Jane Larsen

In today’s episode we chat to Jane Larsen. Jane is a Love and Authenticity Practitioner. She has been studying mindfulness, manifesting and trauma healing for about 5 years. 

Mindfulness is a daily practice that she finds very helpful in staying grounded and in the present.  It’s become an essential part of her day.

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 5 - Krystyna Moore

Today we are talking to Krystyna Moore. Krystina is an intuitive, multi- disciplinary Australian artist with a focus on felt making. Her interests include textiles and fibre, limestone sculpture, eco printing and slow hand stitching. In her pieces she explores themes of art as a transformative and healing force. Her work embodies the healing energies of Reiki combined with a deep sensitivity and connection to nature.

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 6 - Rebecca Calabro

Today we chat with Rebecca Calabro. Rebecca is a heart-centred, vibrational therapist who creates a welcoming space for you to explore your inner world with loving awareness. Through her one-on-one and group sessions, you’ll experience an opening from deep within where you reconnect, access your innate wisdom, move through limitations, and awaken to new possibilities.   In support of the multidimensional being you are, Rebecca offers a specialised blend of modalities in areas spanning emotional health, mindset, energy healing, spirituality and somatic processing. She also creates soul resonant activation art, encoded with light language. You can receive her services online, or in person from her space in St Agnes, South Australia.

For booking enquires phone: 0421 378 587 ⁠

www.ablissfulexistence.com⁠ and www.sonicembrace.com⁠

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 7 - Ky Alecto-Mukari

Today, we chat to Ky Alecto-Mukari. Ky is the founder of Seedstar co. She was called by the plants to engage more directly with them. Grateful for her Yaralde Ancestry, Ky’s journey into plant medicine was further illuminated by the wisdom of an Aunty and Elder who shared Original Bush Medicine, unveiling the intricacies of indigenous flora. At seedstar co, Ky’s approach to medicine-making is a sensory dialogue with the elements, plants, and ecosystems, honouring the teachings and generosity of nature. Each creation reflects a deep relationship with the earth, blending wild-harvested and ethically sourced materials in limited edition, seasonal offerings. Guided by principles of respect and reciprocity, seedstar co embodies a relational, inclusive healing ethos, inspired by Kangaroo Island’s pristine environment and Ramindjeri wisdom. Ky’s lifelong dedication to healing is underscored by a diverse array of practices, from meditation to plant spirit medicine, driven by a passion for reconnecting humanity with the natural world’s healing rhythms.   / kyalectomukari   https://www.seedstar.co

m: 0429 307 632

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 8 - Heather Boodhram

Today, we chat with Heather Boodhram Heather once grappled with thoughts of taking her own life, but instead, chose to listen to a voice within that urged her to transform her life. Since then, she has undergone a profound shift, shedding limiting beliefs, creating personal & energetic boundaries, and cultivating a positive outlook.    As an intuitive channel, she helps weave knowledge from the spiritual into the physical for her clients’ fully realized potential.   Heather finds fulfillment in empowering others to thrive. With credentials as an Empowered Energetics Practitioner, Divine Light Healer, Reiki Master, EFT/Emotional Freedom Technique (aka Tapping) Practitioner, and a Certified Sound & Energy Healer, she draws from her extensive study of various healing modalities to support others on their healing journey.


Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 9 - Karen Brown

Today, we chat with Karen Brown. After a life-time of being constantly busy, at home and in paid work, Karen is learning to slow down, live in the moment, and enjoy the restorative benefits of mindfulness – both in everyday practical matters and especially in creative pursuits. Her only regret is not being exposed to the theory of mindfulness much earlier in her life. You can connect with her here:   / agardenundergumtrees  

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 10 - Talia Nitschke

Today we are chatting with Talia Nitschke. Talia is a big-hearted, full-of-life mum of 3 as well as a business owner as a Beauty Therapist and Reiki Master. She is currently navigating her way back to herself after being pregnant or breastfeeding for the last 5 years and parenting differently to how all the generations before her have and helping those along the way who may find themselves on the same journey too.  You can connect with Talia here: ⁠  / theancestralmystic  

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 11 - Tina Vella

Today, we are talking with Tina Vella. Tina is a seasoned professional with over 15 years of experience in middle management within the customer support and service industry. Her expertise lies in her ability to lead teams, streamline service operations, and enhance customer experiences. But that’s not all—beyond her corporate role, Tina is a Hatha Yoga teacher, deeply rooted in its traditional lineage. Her passion for yoga extends beyond the mat; she has innovatively combined it with Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP), offering a unique blend of tranquility and balance on the water. Over the years, Tina has conducted numerous retreats and lessons, sharing her love for yoga and standup paddleboarding with others.  You can find out more and contact Tina here:   / teenebeans_smooge   for her photography   / supandyogawithtina   for sup yoga

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 12 - Cecelia Baum Mandryk

Today, we talked to Cecelia Baum Mandryk. Cecelia is a mental health counsellor, certified life coach, Ayurvedic practitioner, and yoga and breath instructor. She is passionate about helping people live the life they want to live and feel how they want to feel using mindset tools, nervous system regulation, and curious inquiry. She knows that enjoying life, feeling calm, and even joyful is available to everyone. You can connect with her here: ⁠instagram⁠:   / ceceliabmandryk   ⁠her website⁠: https://ceceliabaummandryk.com/

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 13 - Guy Lawrence

Today, we chat with Guy Lawrence.

Guy is a consciousness retreat facilitator, podcaster, and entrepreneur. He transformed from a plumber in Wales to a wellness advocate in Australia, founding the multi-million dollar company 180 Nutrition and the ‘Let It In’ podcast. With a passion for blending science and spirituality, Guy has inspired countless individuals to live more heart-centered lives. Join us as we delve into his journey and insights on mindfulness and transformation.” You can find his podcast ⁠here⁠: https://www.guylawrence.com.au/podcast/ Find out about retreats and workshops ⁠here⁠: https://www.liveinflow.co/ Follow him⁠ here⁠ :   / guyhlawrence  

Harmony In A Hurry - Episode 14 - Matt Omo

Today, we talk to Matt Omo.

Matt is a leader of the sound healing movement in Australia and the author of “Love Your Vibe – Using the Power of Sound to Take Command of Your Life.”, with over 20 years of experience working with a variety of sound healing techniques, spiritual psychology, breathwork, shamanic and intuitive practices to bridge cultures and traditions from around the world and help empower people to live to their full potential. It’s Matt’s passion to demystify the healing power of sound, making this wisdom accessible to the modern lifestyle through practical processes that are effective and impactful at reducing stress, relieving anxiety, building resilience and allowing for a more harmonious way of living. Find out more about Matt here:   / thatgongguy   https://www.liveinflow.com.au/ https://www.mattomo.com/

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