Absent Healing


Healing energy (Reiki) is sent to you, wherever you are in the world. Reiki energy is able to travel across vast distances, it knows no barriers. It is just like having a treatment here with me, except you are in your own home/ space, wherever that may be.

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Our absent or distant healings include all of our services, especially reiki, crystal healings and our intuitive readings.

It does not matter if you are not able to see us in person. We work with people all around the world.

Energy does not observe distance or time as we do.

You need not be disappointed that you are not able to see us in person in our lovely healing space. We facilitate your reading or other healings as if it is in person. There is no difference! The only difference is that you are in your home and we are here.

A mutual time is agreed upon, the experience explained and anything that you wish to share.

We provide you with a written report of what information came through during your healing or if preferred we can conduct your session using zoom or video messenger. Just let us know your preference.

Payment is to be attended to prior to your distant healing

Benefits of having your healing session or other service facilitated by us at a distance include being to stay in the comfort of your own home for a start! How amazing is that?!

You get to relax back into a lovely space that you have prepared that suits your needs best and just receive the healing. Alternatively, we can zoom so we can sit face to face and it is like we are having a friendly discussion as you receive your reading. There are various options available.

If you purely just want to relax and rest then we facilitate your healing and send you a report using your preferred mode of contact and communication.

An extremely comfortable way to receive your healing without the need of leaving your own home!


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