Training Terms & Conditions,

Student Code of Behaviour, Obligations

& Reiki Level Three Requirements.

Training Terms & Conditions

It was our aim to assist in raising the standards, knowledge and awareness of Reiki teaching that’s applicable to the modern world.

We live in different times now, so the knowledge presented to you below is done so to enhance and compliment your current traditional teachings. It doesn’t diminish those traditions in any way except to raise the standard.

Due to legalisation that now applies, Reiki and Reiki Training can no longer be rushed through, or even passed over, but in fact should be added to traditional teachings.

Therefore, to fully understand Reiki Principles, and depending on the level and course undertaken, the correct amount of time will need to be invested and not conducted in short timeframes as some courses that are currently offered in the market are.

After all, if you’re a Reiki Practitioner or practicing the spiritual healing art of Reiki, whether you are a Reiki Master or Reiki Master Teacher, under the relevant national codes of conduct, why would these codes not also apply to the Teaching of Reiki Practice?

The industry is behind the times here, groups choosing to fall behind tradition to avoid industry wide changes.

Thankfully, the information presented here for your learning, is well ahead of these industry standards and legislated benchmarks as our Training has been adjusted to incorporate the changes and raise the standard of training.

We can gladly say that ALL our students that pass our courses meet these criteria.

When we train students, they are familiar with, knowledgeable and well-practiced in giving in person treatments as well as absent healings, they even practice introducing themselves to clients, gaining informed consent so that by the time they achieve their certificates, they are fully comfortable with the process.

Let’s face it public speaking can be a daunting at the best of times but with a little practice it becomes easier to express oneself.

In previous years prior to teaching Reiki, I kept getting constant feedback like, I have done Reiki one and two, but I still have no idea how to use it. Some Reiki Master Teachers simply ran out of time in their workshops, so crucial things weren’t covered at all, or students were simply left to read and discover them on their own.

It is not that difficult to teach in line with these standards. It in no way diminishes the knowledge and individuality of each form of Reiki. In no way does it impede a teacher’s ability or process of passing on the knowledge in the long-standing traditions. It is an extra day to cover this, although this side of the legislative stuff can be delivered online.

The moment students begin to practice, these legislated requirements apply.

I began teaching students to this standard in 2017, the moment I was informed by my association that as a practitioner I was to abide by them.

It doesn’t mean that overnight we have created new branches or forms of Reiki. It doesn’t mean traditions are going to be wiped out. It is something to comply with for the honour to continue to uphold the principles of Reiki and then to extend that to others.

It just means that the environment and the modern world has changed since the inception of Reiki by Dr Usui during the 1900’s.

To ensure a high standard of ethics, professionalism and integrity, coupled with legislated laws that are now required to be met in Australia, every practitioner, every healing modality or therapy and healing based business is now required to meet these standards.

This ensures professionalism and accountability as well as the protection of the general public and those receiving care or treatments.

As a result, we have drafted The Student Code of Behaviour for Reiki Students, to compliments both:

 – “The Codes of Conduct for Unregistered Health Practitioners”, and

– “The Codes of Conduct for Certain Health Care Workers”,

The Student Code of Behaviour for Reiki Students include values and morals for all students, so they may know what is expected of them and so every student has full accountability for themselves and their actions.

It’s a commitment on the part of all students to uphold the values and statements of highest intention to uphold the integrity of Reiki as spiritual practice and healing art and to also ensure that Reiki students use their knowledge, skills and art for the benefit of others. Students are to intentionally do no harm, respect our clients, be honest, show compassion and tolerance and do their best to honour themselves and one another.

It also ensures professionalism and the upmost highest standards of care for those who will be receiving treatments from you.

These Codes are all applicable to students who enter into training.

Humans will justify their reasons for doing things and will put their efforts into avoiding taking responsibility for their actions. Often, if behaving in certain ways works for an individual, you can give them the opportunity to change but if they don’t, refer them on to the right authority.

For my students, I have collated and written a code of ethics and code of conduct that all my students agree to before studying Reiki with me.

After much contemplation and deliberation, to assist in the elevation and distribution of good reiki practices.

To set a solid foundation for the continued growth of Reiki in Australia, I feel there should be a code of conduct that all Reiki Master Teachers and Reiki Master Students should abide by.

Reiki practitioners, even those in training, should also conduct themselves in this manner, especially as they are working with vulnerable people in the community.

When undertaking teaching to students, I take my responsibilities quite seriously, Afterall one day they may be working on your children. I share my knowledge with you now, as one day your graduates may be working on my loved ones. And I’m certain we all agree that if that was the case, we would expect the best standards of care for our them, this can only be achieved through the implementation of consistent levels of training.

Unfortunately, in the modern world we live in there is a theme running through of entitlement and forward projection of one’s point of view. We find ourselves living a world where everything is always someone else’s fault. With little or no regard for our own actions.

Over the years I’ve corrected, numerous compromised treatments, behaviour and situations from other teachers and practitioners, spiritual businesses, that simply shouldn’t have occurred in the first place.

So, to ensure integrity and the highest level of respect and standards, I share with you the following, as the days of individuals and businesses using their influence to avoid responsibility is coming to an end. Once what was considered to be human nature and something accepted is fast making way for a better more accountable and moral world.

 These codes give a clear guideline for not only students, but practitioners, teachers and initiates world-wide. I’m sure you will agree its common-sense stuff.

It may seem like and overwhelming and daunting task, but it really doesn’t take much effort at all to come up to standard and comply. It has the benefit of taking things to a whole new level of professionality and morality. Not mention the greatest level of respect for yourself and others.

With my teaching of reiki practice, it’s a requirement for students to comply with these practices. That way it becomes second nature. And right from the get-go, they are of the highest level of standards possible. Not to mention better practitioners because of it. Leaving the world, a better place and also a higher level of reiki practice. Of Dr Usui’s legacy.

 Teachers can no longer turn a blind eye to their responsibility’s in delivering training to students that meet the modern requirements. You have a strong duty of care not only to yourself, your students, the techniques your teaching, the people your students will be learning on and practicing upon.

 I’ve included the following from to help you identify your obligations from a student’s perspective.  As to preserve the integrity of Reiki as spiritual practice, and healing art of reiki, and to ensure that Reiki Master Students use their knowledge, skills and for the benefit of others. Intentionally doing no harm, paying due respect to clients through our honesty, compassion, and tolerance, honouring ourselves and others.

Student Obligations.

Students are expected to conduct themselves in professional manner, be respectful, courteous, professional at all times. This is extended to include your fellow students, clients, family, friends, and even yourself.

This will be a quite a transformation you’re about to commence, leading you to new and exciting pathways, to decisions you never thought possible. Your life will be changed forever.

At times you will be tested and challenged professionally, morally, and as a human being.

It’s the master’s responsibility to support you if you need assistance, guidance etc., it’s what we are here for, but the onus is on you to let us know if you’re having difficulty or require help.

As a Reiki Master Teacher, a facilitator, during this time your Reiki Master Teacher is here to support you professionally and personal. Sometimes that may require healing, sometimes listening, and other times simply guidance, listening or presenting things in a different manner.

The deep spiritual experiences you have along this path will truly be amazing. As Reiki Master/Teacher, Reiki will become a way of life. Using it every day in every way will become as natural as breathing.

The Student Code of Behaviour

for All Students.

The Student Code of Behaviour for Reiki Students has been established to serve as a guideline for Reiki students, that sets a minimum standard for accountability and expectations in regarding ethics, behaviour, accountability, compassion, tolerance and professional conduct. This helps to ensure that the knowledge, skills and integrity of Reiki as a spiritual practice and healing art, are upheld for the greater good of all.  

The Student Code of Behaviour for Reiki Students assists both the student and the community, by enabling the identification of minimum standards, and informing them of the values, professionalism, ethical and moral conduct that’s expected of Reiki practitioners. It’s also an agreement and commitment between Reiki students and their Reiki master teacher in compliance with Australian Legislation.

This is not intended to provide direction for the resolution of specific ethical dilemmas, nor can The Student Code of Behaviour for Reiki Students adequately address the definitions of terms and concepts that are part of the study of ethics.   

As part of a student undergoing training with us, we request that all students have read, understood, agree and subscribe to the conditions of the Student Code of Behaviour for Reiki Students throughout the duration their training. 

Once students are qualified, the practitioner then agrees to subscribe and abide to the following applicable Codes of Conduct: 

– The Code of Conduct for Certain Healthcare Workers.

Which is applicable to South Australia. 

– The Code of Conduct for Unregistered Health practitioners.  

Which is applicable to all other Australian States & Territories.


Each Reiki Student will agree to the following conditions: 

  1. Provide services in a safe and ethical manner.
  • The Reiki Student will carry out their service in a way that is ethical and safe for their clients.
  • Every Reiki student is personally responsible for providing professional treatments and must not act outside of their training and experience.
  • Reiki Students must refer their clients to other qualified health professionals if a different health serviceis required where appropriate.
  • All Reiki Students must provide their treatments in a culturally sensitive manner to their clients.
  1. Obtain consent.
  • All Reiki Students must gain informed consentfrom any client or other student prior to facilitating the Reiki healing 
  • The Reiki Student must also make certain the Reiki session conforms with the laws in their jurisdiction.
  • Informed consent includes the Reiki Student providing details on the approved hand positions for the Reiki treatment and the client giving permission for those hand positions to be used by the Student.
  • There is never a need to place hands on a client’s groin, buttocks, inner thighor breast area. If needs be, the Reiki Student may place their hands to the side of these areas, definitely well away from them so contact is avoided. The student will keep their hands off the client’s body but near the specified area.
  1. Apply appropriate conduct in relation to treatment advice.
  • The Reiki Student must not provide their client’s with misinformation on their products, treatments, professional collaborations, qualifications or any type of training that they have undertaken.
  • Reiki Students must not mislead or lie to clients or others about their area of expertise, what they are capable of or their capacity to provide treatment.
  • Reiki Students must not try and prevent clients from seeking or continuing medical treatment or advice. Students are required to accept the rights of their clients to make informed choices about their own health care and treatment.
  1. Report concerns about treatment or care provided by other health care workers.
  • The Reiki Student will inform their Reiki Master Teacher of any concerns that they may have about another Student’s behaviour.
  • If a Reiki Student has significant concerns about another Reiki Student’s treatment that they provided to their client then that student is obliged to inform the Reiki Master Teacher immediately so that the required steps can be action straight away.
  1. Take appropriate action in response to adverse events. 
  • The Reiki Student is obliged to take the required action within a reasonable time frame to reduce the risk of harm to others if an unfortunate situation arises whilst providing treatment.
  • The Reiki Student practitioner must provide suitable first aid in the scene of an adverse incident and procure emergency assistance if required.
  • The client is informed by the Reiki Student of the incident, the steps taken to help prevent a similar incident from happening again and the appropriate authorities are notified by the Student and other action steps taken as needed. The Reiki Student must also inform their Reiki Master Teacher of the adverse event.
  1. Adopt standard precautions for infection control. 
  • It is expected that Reiki Students commit to providing infection control with the use of standard precautions when conducting treatments. 
  1. If diagnosed with an infectious medical condition, the student must ensure that he or she practises in a manner that does not put clients at risk.
  • Reiki Students who have been diagnosed with an infectious medical condition need to make certain that they seek and follow the advice of a qualified medical practitioner so that they do not pass on their condition to clients. They need to modify their practice accordingly or not see in person clients while their condition persists if they are unable to ensure the safety of their clients.
  1. Not make claims to cure serious illnesses.
  • It’s paramount that Reiki Students are not to make claims to cure any illnesses. Reiki Students must not claim or represent that they are qualified, able or willing to cure cancer or any other illness.
  1. Not misinform their clients or fellow students.
  • The Reiki Student must not provide their client’s with misinformation on their products, treatments, professional collaborations, qualifications or any type of training that they have undertaken.
  • Reiki Students must not mislead or lie to clients or others about their area of expertise, what they are capable of or their capacity to provide treatment. 
  1. Not practise under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Reiki Students must not practice Reikiwhilst under the influence of either drugs or alcohol.
  • If a Reiki Student is receiving medication under advice from a medical professional, then that Student is obliged to seek that medical professional’s advice on whether it is safe and ethical for said student to practice Reiki whilst taking the prescribed 
  • Where the Reiki Student has been advised that they are unable to practice Reiki then that Student must cease practicing immediately until permission given by that Student’s suitably qualified medical practitioner and inform their Reiki Master Teacher  
  1. Not provide treatment/ care to clients while suffering a physical or mental impairment that is likely to place clients at risk /harm.
  • If a Reiki Student has a certain mentalor physical impairment (including the use of prescribed and non-prescribed medication, addictions to alcohol and other substances) that has the possibility of creating harm for their clients or fellow students then they need to inform their Reiki Master Teacher 
  • The aforementioned Student must also seek medical advice from a properly qualified medical professional as to whether they need to alter their practice or cease their practice for the time being.
  1. Reiki Students not to financially exploitclients 
  • Clients are not to be financially taken advantage of by the Reiki Student. The Reiki Student must ensure that the treatments that they provide only enhance the client’s health and sense of wellbeing.
  • All Students are required to openly disclose the cost of their services to potential clients prior to that service being conducted and under no circumstances are Students to charge another Student or volunteers during a Reiki training session for their training healing.
  • Reiki Students will not receive gifts or financial incentives for referring clients to other practitioners or health care workers.
  1. Not engage in sexual misconduct. 
  • The Reiki Student must not have sexual relations or any type of improper emotional or physical relationship with clients.
  • The Reiki Student must not take part in any unlawful sexual behaviour. The Reiki Student will wait for an appropriate length of time after the completion of the healing relationship of a practitioner to their client prior to undertaking any type of sexual relationship with said client.
  1. Comply with relevant privacy laws.
  • The Reiki Student is to conform with all relevant privacy laws in conjunction with their client’s health information and all other related applicable information This includes the Privacy Act 1988 and all other applicable territory and or state legislation.
  1. Keep appropriate records. 
  • The Reiki Student must ensure that they keep accurate, clear and concise records of each client’s treatment session in a secure manner that prevents other people from having unsanctioned access.
  • The Reiki Student will undertake the required process to provide access to a client of their own treatment records if that is their wish.
  • The Reiki Student will ensure that they provide the client’s treatment history as requested as reasonably practicable to the client or the client’s lawyer. 
  1. Be covered by appropriate insurance.
  • The Reiki Student must ensure that they have the appropriate professional indemnity and public liability insurance in place for their treatment  This is commonly a certificate of currency issued by an insurer. Please note, this is different to the insurance that comes with home insurance.
  1. Not engage in criminal conduct or assist others to engage in criminal conduct or illegal activities. 
  • The Reiki Student must not be involved in any illegal activities either directly or indirectly.
  • The Reiki Student must refrain from involving their Reiki Master Teacher, fellow students and clients from any criminal activity either directly or indirectly.
  • If a situation arises that has the potential to compromise the Reiki Student, fellow students, clients or the Reiki Master Teacher, then the aforementioned student shall report to police the situation in a safe and timely manner and follow the police instructions, including removing themselves from further training until advised that it is appropriate for them to recommence by the appropriate authorities.

Upon completing my training, I, then agree to subscribe and abide by the following applicable Codes of Conduct:

– The Code of Conduct for Certain Healthcare Workers.

Which is applicable to South Australia. 

– The Code of Conduct for Unregistered Health practitioners.  Which is applicable to all other Australian States & Territories.

– Students agree to subscribe the conditions of the Student Code of Behaviour for Reiki Students throughout the duration of my training.

These codes include values and morals for all students, so they may know what is expected of them and so every student has full accountability for themselves and their actions.

It’s a commitment on the part of all Students to uphold the values and statements of highest intention to uphold the integrity of Reiki as spiritual practice and healing art and to ensure that Reiki Level Three Students use their knowledge, skills and art for the benefit of others. Students are to intentionally do no harm, respect our clients, be honest, show compassion and tolerance and do their best to honour themselves and one another.

It also ensures professionalism and the upmost highest standards of care for those who will be receiving treatments from you.

In Person Training.

The Institute of Enlightened Awareness offers quite a comprehensive and diverse range of courses for your enjoyment.

Our “In Person Training” is a comprehensive course that contains all the relevant information that you need to know. All in person training is conducted at our training venue located in Adelaide, Australia. 

Online training of the theory content is delivered by via our online class room prior to in person tuition for Reiki Level One & Two, and throughout the duration for Level Three. 

Reiki Level One, Two & Three, including all the attunements and In Person Training.

Thorough and step by step techniques, reference guides, coupled with practical experience to enable full confidence to deliver exceptional high quality expert Reiki Treatments. 

It’s important to note, that these are quite comprehensive courses and to reach the standard to pass, requires a commitment to study, pass competency questionnaires, knowing and meeting the standards required.

Not everyone who enrols in the in person training passes this course, some don’t make the grade. Our in person training is not a course where one can pay the fee, do minimal effort and expect to get qualified, especially in level three. After all if you fail to pass this course, that also means you fail to meet your obligations under the legal obligations of practitioners.

Certification is awarded only once competency has occured.

Knowledge Only Training.

The Institute of Enlightened Awareness offers quite a comprehensive and diverse range of courses for your enjoyment. 

“Knowledge Only” training has been designed for those individuals who have already had their attunements with another teacher, who fell short of industry standards, and would like further learning to enhance their existing knowledge and skills.

– Ideal for international students that reside in countries.

– Those who have already had Reiki training with another teacher but would like to build or improve on their knowledge and skills. 

– For those who are required to receive further training.

– Ideal for those curious about Reiki and those seeking self-improvement. 

This course is ideal for International Students, as this course provides a rare opportunity for those seeking higher guidance, knowledge, skills and awareness.

– For those wanting to bring their practice up to speed and meet the modern requirements.

What’s the difference with Knowledge Only Training when compared to In Person Training?

Firstly, there is the price… but that that doesn’t mean you skimp on the training, you receive the identical course content as the in-person training. You simply aren’t paying for the attunements, and the hours of in person practical training and tuition. So as such, this is why the course is cheaper

Our “Knowledge Only Training” is a comprehensive course that contains all the relevant information that you need to know.  Online training of the theory content is delivered by via our online class room.You also receive life time access to the site on mobile, tablet and P.C.  

Thorough and step by step techniques, reference guides, coupled with practical experience to enable full confidence to deliver exceptional high quality expert Reiki Treatments. 

Its Important to note, that these are quite comprehensibe courses and to reach the standard to pass, requires a commitment to study, pass competency questionnaires, knowing and meeting the standards required.

For all “Knowledge Only Courses”, these codes have been included for your benefit, with the aim of it being adopted and implemented thus raising the standards of training in the modern world.

Not everyone who enrols in the training passes this course, some don’t make the grade. Our training is not a course where one can pay the fee, do minimal effort and expect to achieve competency, especially in level three. After all if you fail to pass this course, that also means you fail to meet your obligations under the legal obligations of practitioners. 

There is no formal Reiki Qualifications for Knowledge Only courses. a certificate of course completion is awarded upon successfully passing the Competency Questionnaires.

Reiki Level Three Course Requirements.

Reiki Mastership is different to the other Reiki workshops you have done to date; it’s a process not just an attunement. You will be issued a certificate of attendance to symbolise the commencement of your schooling in Reiki Mastery. You will receive your formal certification upon completion of the requirements as detailed below.

  • Complete 20 Client Case Studies comprised of:
  • A Minimum 10 Traditional Reiki Treatments.
  • A Maximum 5 IntuitiveReiki Treatments.
  • 5 Distant or Absent Reiki Treatments.

The length of time it takes to complete your mastery depends on the individual. Typically, this varies from 6, 12, up to 18 months, depending upon your experience etc.

**** Documentation as per industry requirements, record hand positions, any feedback, follow ups calls, any change or improvement in their condition, your observations and experiences during the treatment, e.g. blockages, shift in energy and any other information you feel may be relevant. No more than 10 of these sessions can be on the same individual. ****

  • An essay about your reiki Mastership journey minimum 3000 words, but no more than 5000. Documenting your experience, growth, development insights, revelations, self-discoveries along the way. Also include how you view Reiki and how this may be used to create a better world.
  • Conduct a minimum of 2 full sessions on your Reiki Master Teacherto enable them to gauge your progress. The last of these healings, depending on the quality etc. will determine your Reiki Mastership.

 During the training time you may also be asked to consider attending Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 workshops conducted by your Master Teacher. It’s a good way of meeting likeminded individuals, using your Reiki, improving confidence, knowledge and skills. This has been a standard approach for students handed down throughout my lineage.

After much contemplation and deliberation, to assist in the elevation and distribution of good Reiki practices and to set a solid foundation for the continued growth of Reiki in Australia, I feel there should be a code of conduct and code of ethics that all Reiki Master Teachers and Reiki students should abide by.

Reiki practitioners, even those in training, should also conduct themselves in this manner, especially as they are working with vulnerable people in the community.

When undertaking teaching to students, I take my responsibilities quite seriously, after all one day they may be working on your children. I share my knowledge with you now, as one day your graduates may be working on my loved ones. I’m certain we all agree that if that was the case, we would expect the best standards of care for them and this can only be achieved through the implementation of consistent levels of training.

For my students, I have collated and written a code of ethics and codes of conduct that all my students agree to before studying Reiki with me. I have included them here for you to read and think about what this means for you and your practice and possibly, implementation.

Unfortunately, in the modern world we live in there is a theme running through of entitlement and forward projection of one’s point of view. We find ourselves living a world where everything is always someone else’s fault with little or no regard for our own actions.

Over the years I’ve corrected numerous compromised treatments, behaviour and situations from other teachers, practitioners and spiritual businesses, that simply shouldn’t have occurred in the first place.

So, to ensure integrity and the highest level of respect and standards, I share with you the following, as the days of individuals and businesses using their influence to avoid responsibility is coming to an end. Once what was considered to be human nature and something accepted is fast making way for a better more accountable and moral world.

These codes give a clear guideline for not only students, but practitioners, teachers and initiates world-wide. I’m sure you will agree it is common-sense stuff.

It may seem like an overwhelming and daunting task, but it really doesn’t take much effort at all to come up to standard and comply. It has the benefit of taking things to a whole new level of professionalism and morality. Not mention the greatest level of respect for yourself and others.

With my teaching of Reiki, it’s a requirement for students to comply with these practices, this way it becomes second nature. Right from the get-go, they are of the highest level of standards possible, not to mention better practitioners because of it, leaving the world a better place with a higher level of Reiki practice of Dr Usui’s legacy. 

Reiki Master Teachers can no longer turn a blind eye to their responsibility’s in delivering training to students that meet the modern requirements. You have a strong duty of care not only to yourself, your students and the techniques you are teaching but to the people your students will be learning on and practicing upon. Students should be trained to a suitable standard for your community and the reiki community.

I’ve included the following from the Code of Conduct for Unregistered Health Practitioners act to help you identify your obligations from a student’s perspective and to preserve the integrity of Reiki as spiritual practice, the healing art of Reiki and to ensure that Reiki Students use their knowledge and skills for the benefit of others. Students and practitioners alike should intentionally do no harm, paying due respect to clients through our honesty, compassion and tolerance, honouring ourselves and others.

To be clear, this chapter doesn’t go into the actual procedure or give knowledge on how to give attunements or provide the knowledge handed down for teaching the various forms of Reiki. This information is in my view applicable to all avenues and forms of Reiki. This is in addition to those traditions of Reiki and it does go a long way to ensure the practice of those forms of Reiki in the modern world. Without these updates to teaching Reiki as we know it, we run the risk of Reiki being abolished and the time-honoured traditions being lost.

 When I first undertook Reiki Training, legalities wasn’t part of the traditional Reiki Teaching. Over the years, this landscape has changed significantly, and meeting legal requirements is an essential part of being able to practice the healing and spiritual art of Reiki.

So, following my master’s advice once more, I’ve included my learnings and investigations here for your benefit.

Our aim is to present this information to you for the highest good of all, so that those practitioners, masters and teachers can continue to practice Reiki for those that are in need.

Technically Legalities isn’t part of Traditional Reiki per say but meeting these requirements in order to practice Reiki on another, certainly is. 

Due to these wonderful changes, we have drafted Student Codes of Behaviour that complements the “Unregistered Health Practitioners Act”. The Unregistered Health Practitioners Act is applicable to any complimentary therapy and healing modality in Australia. There are also Codes of Conduct for “Certain Healthcare workers Act”, applicable to any complimentary therapy and healing modality in South Australia.

The Student Codes of Behaviour enables students to understand exactly what is expected of them and to be accountable for themselves and their actions for delivering Reiki services to the public. The students make a commitment to uphold the integrity of Reiki as a spiritual practice and healing art and to use their knowledge and skills learnt for the benefit for others.

Included in our Student Code of Behaviour for Reiki Students, is that students do no harm, respect their clients, be honest and show compassion and tolerance for themselves and others.

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